Tuesday 28 January 2014

Wait - where did blogging come from?


First of all, I'd like to say welcome to my blog, and talk about what it is all about. I've been considering creating a blog for a long time now, and no particular idea came to mind, until one day, where I realized exactly what I've been wanting to do in my spare time. You see, ever since coming to university, limited to studying only one subject, English Literature, I felt as though I were missing out on the broad learning of other subjects and had gaps in my knowledge on the wider spectrum of things! I'm sure I am not the only one out there, and so this brings me to why I've made this blog - and that is, really, to just take time out of my day, and do a little research on a subject, that'll mainly be on something relevant that has occurred today, and present it to my lovely readers! Of course, many may already know about topics I'm going to bring up, and I'm not suggesting that people don't know certain things; this blog is really just a way of taking on things that are occurring in the world, and reflecting on it, and bringing up a history or argument or discussion of a certain topic that some may not fully know. I, myself, will be learning among you guys! And so, when you are flicking through blogs, and hopefully come across mine and take some time to read any of posts, you can come away from your desk, thinking, ah, I've learnt something new today! 

So, I figured at the start of this blog, I should surely talk today about exactly what is blogging and how did it start? We all know that blogging is a way for one to muse on a certain topic or subject online, which of course technically went back before internet days in diaries and writings. Today, it is considered a web page, serving as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual or company. In other words, its an online diary of sorts! 

Timeline of the Development of the Blog

1983 - 1993
Usenet was the primary serial medium included in the original definition of the Internet, featuring the moderated newsgroup which allowed all posting in a newsgroup to be under the control of an individual or small group. Most such newsgroups were simply moderated discussion forum
early 1990s: Tim Berners-Lee coined the term word wide web and defined the first standards for HTML and URLs, the specifications included "USENET newsgroups for serial publishing and discussions."
Swarthmore College student Justin Hall started an online diary called Justin's Links from the Underground. The site, which first started as a guide to the web, soon became an account of Hall's life, and earned him the surely coveted title of pioneer blogger. Three years later, Jorn Barger would coin the term "weblog," and its short form, "blog," was later coined by Peter Merholz
SlashDot launched, a blog for tech 'nerds'
Open Diary launched, growing to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to other writers' blog entries
Brad Fitzpatrick, well known blogger, started LiveJournal
Pitas.com created by Andrew Smales, followed by DiaryLand that focused on a personal diary community 
Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan launched blogger.com in August 1999, which was                 purchased by Google in February 2003

Thanks for reading!

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